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- це блог з аутентичним контнтом. якщо контент наніс шкоду через неправильне розуміння чи використання це не моя проблема

субота, 11 липня 2020 р.

philia phobias
 today a horror film in the form of black humor. everything described below was probably not really back. if someone reads here some coincidences with reality, then it is a coincidence and nothing more. and even a warning to people with unstable psyche is not recommended for reading. if it is read by a potential criminal and wants to use such techniques, I warn that what is written is filtered by analysis and not everything is said, ie not complete info, therefore, when trying to use a potential criminal will be caught and punished. written for smart people to be able to protect themselves from the potential dangers of today. read the blog hope smart people three to six views a day. such a boring beginning will also weed out all fools, so I believe that they will read a boring stupid beginning and will not finish reading it. So a joke - I had to repair an incandescent lamp once. the procedure is simple, you stand on a ladder under the ceiling and imagine that you are sitting in the sky on a cloud and repairing the sun so that it shines. we open a flask accurately letting in air then we change a tungsten spring we put back a flask we install the union and we pump out air voila all is ready. in words quickly but in fact it is a long procedure. usually they are not repaired but simply changed but such a ridiculous format is described so that it would not be interesting to read some delusion. it was a long time ago. there is no longer that doctor and patient also because I did not lose what I heard without a trace I share with the worthy who after reading also fall ill with a branch of phobias ... so I sit on a cloud between heaven and earth and repair the little sun and somewhere far down goes to the psychiatrist's office patient and something there they say to themselves and I involuntarily heard and tell you .... in fact this of course was not, it's all such a fabrication, because the principles of deontology are strictly adhered to to avoid iatrogenic and other effects ... so the patient says. Good afternoon doctor, I came to you because I suddenly became a scikun. nor is it up to me, stsikun in urology need. nor do you understand I am afraid of many things. and then you came correctly what exactly scares you? I'm afraid of hunters. why? because they have mad foxes in the enclosures. and what? and they can accumulate their saliva in a test tube and wear it under the armpit to maintain the temperature. and what? and can get wet in saliva needle and stab me is one hundred percent death. but someone can see the needle. they tie it to an elastic band stretched in the sleeve, so immediately after the injection the needle is pulled into the sleeve instantly. And if they inadvertently prick themselves? They are vaccinated treated for rabies, so they are gray. Do not be afraid of the direction of rabies vaccination regular vaccination and you are not threatened .what else? I'm still afraid that a pipe will be drilled in my house, a pipe will be installed under the floor and gas will be pumped under the floor without any harmful odor. this is a phobia of getting into a gas chamber. create permanent multilevel ventilation at home. and if electricity is lost temporarily? then glue the floor with linoleum or concrete tiles, etc. something else? I'm afraid that the floor will be poured phosphorus powder, do you remember that in the nineties there was a self-ignition rags that washed the floor? was not let anyone into the house of all sorts of salesmen and you in shoes then no one poured anything else. ? I'm still afraid to get into the beta source in a massive stainless steel capsule. Wear a miniature dosimeter with an alarm. And who doesn't have it? When in contact with gamma and beta ray retina responds to the so-called ants in front of the eyes. and if you get into the beam in the dark then the eyes will be light even with closed eyes visible even if the beam from the back is induced. and what to do? wear clothes and a foil hat. thick foil will protect from electromagnetic rays as well. what else? I'm afraid of the taiser. clothes with the built-in metal grid thick as for washing of dishes will help from the taiser. the wire closes electrodes and the effect weakens is leveled. something else? can be afraid of guns or knives? I am afraid of open weapons, hidden, invisible and incomprehensible. Everyone is afraid of them if they do not know them. That is why democracy was invented so that people could speak openly. In ancient times, the sheikh of Prince Sheikh was forbidden to protest and people slaves secretly harmed the rulers of this world. rooster in tsarist times and he ran to help fight the rooster, he cared about people, rejoicing in the soul, and with the advent of pseudo-democracy roles changed, now slaves princes oppress, so open protests of fools are not always effective because protesters often get sick for reasons they do not understand. after the emergence of democracy, all dissenters are very easy to find, they say do not hide, speak up, and we will quietly count you, classify, filter and neutralize with hidden weapons, so now the so-called non-lethal or partially lethal weapon of pseudo-democratic pseudo-civilized regimes is fashionable. but our people are not fools either, so they openly try not to express their opinion. they think one thing and say the other. Therefore, it is not easy to understand who is who. possession of a hidden weapon is a feature of the rulers of the twenties

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