As usual sailed cajole investors cubes or vyminyuvaty is not one and all and for once? Ball showed many merchants and all the blacker than black. Aboriginal and say crooked streets you will see pull the thread here. natyahnuly.diysno curves turns out. and yet you are all curved and oblique because we know we have everything exactly as uvas crooked built. But miracles! Aboriginal amazed. tried to deny saying that anything equal we should be? then choose from the pocket investors the level of weights and vertical threads made and shown. But beloved corner near the house and turned trying all the corners of buildings as curves. turns out really lame. and yet you are all curved and oblique because we know we have everything exactly as uvas crooked built. But miracles! Aboriginal amazed. tried to deny saying anything equal to what we should be? wondered Aboriginal such miracles. probably great confidence in Aboriginal appeared to solid. because they are all aware of the indices fyuchersy, trusts and makleruvannya and about how zapoluchyty ball pockets full of dark and even darker, and if you are lucky then completely black. . .vsyaki showed miracles. small boxes are placed in the ocean, and on the plate which showed visible at the bottom and how. seen fish and cubes vydno.ot wonders! Aboriginal amazed. many miracles and showed all these weird, wonderful. as usual, investors said they were very good and want to do great good natives. why do you have to say? cubes drag, search, collect, carry and then sell? as their price also falls. We wish you well and therefore buy hochem you all cubes immediately, all at once, right in the ocean. gather themselves say themselves stuck, and you balls and not just a dark, almost black. All the islanders were in place and were very surprised such miracles. such good guys buy immediately blocks all along and fish and seaweed and crabs fyuchersno not just. uncles vyvertaly pocket and chose some cards. said that there are a lot of balls in the card and all the dark hidden high-value. as well as in tuda card can lay the ball? asked the natives. many infinite number and told them about some degree square told .... how is it? But miracles! aboryheny.hiba amazed that possible? .. no matter how long or not long thought zachudovani Aboriginal and important decision adopted ........ sad because the natives do not like difficult. they wanted to live and to do for one who has a lot of balls can not always buy cube zamochyvshy nih.mayzhe agreed to give all their natural value as usual for a hundred years because the less investors disagreed. felt about the number of animals and shellfish in the sea. not all of course agree. Some of the natives but they disagreed obyavlyaly curves. aboryhenski theologians said that natives have the right to sell his brethren less for Aboriginal and shellfish and palm trees and a whole tribe zadumalos but solid uncles said that theologians curves, like everything else, and the local religion obyavyly curve. Well not quite but curve not even have a religion. outdate say. here we see even standard is. and began to show its stadart. see here that he's really clean stadart. they long rylys the pockets and then told them that the standard home. forgot to bring they did not know that such are distrustful natives. even seem offended by mistrust. said that not even buy already assembled cubes. in accordance with the price fell and stack blocks nihno not give tenth of very light ball. as well natives wanted to have a magical board with pictures and all the other wonders ..... no matter how long or not long thought zachudovani Aboriginal and important decision adopted ........ sad because the natives do not like difficult. they want to live and not to do because everyone knows that the one who has a lot of balls can not always buy cube zamochyvshy feet ... they sold all the animals, and along with all the trees that had, otherwise disagreed offended disbelief investors who wanted all well done. Well ... and agreed they were given to all residents balls darker and darker. rich through all at once and began to rejoice. scored a lot of all sorts of miracles. boards with pictures by almost everyone. all kinds of cameras Underwater Sonar mesh and rods purchased. though now could only catch zyish as much and no more. those who do not want to work themselves be purchasing all investors .... beauty, not life. wonders just how lucky ...... then chudoseyner tide and collected almost all the cubes. Well, fish and algae. anything you can order and receive. ready to ease residents went to the sea his last journey .... popravylys natives. started to become solidnymy.pryodilys. so solidly theologians looked at holding pocket for balls that are calming confidence in the future days ... eventually gave Palm spylyly all good guys, but who cares because miracles are they. could not imagine how they ever lived without miracles? eventually miracles began to break. in the charming things turned out batteries do not last forever. Biff stronger if it breaks beloved gadget. gradually went down the wonderful things ... no balls, but things turned out not eternal. no dice and no trees! what do we do now? they thought holding wonderful balls ....
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